Our Services
Social Support Group
Bathurst Seymour Centre supports individuals to engage in social activities and meet new people in a welcoming environment. You may be living alone or with a spouse or family, you may be lonely or just finding it difficult to make the effort to get out or just wanting to try something different, you may drive or require transport, you may have a disability, you may not. No matter what your situation in life we will provide an opportunity to meet your goals. You may choose to come for a coffee morning, all day and/or as many days as you like.
Social Support Individual
Bathurst Seymour Centre offers Social Support Individual in the form of telephone or digital contact (e.g. face time) for those who may be geographically isolated or isolated due to disability. Also on offer is individual assistance to shop for groceries or attend appointments. This service provides one-on-one assistance including transport.
We also provide:
Centre-based respite
Flexible respite
Meals and other food services - As part of our Social Support Group, Centre Based Respite and Flexible Respite services Bathurst Seymour Centre offers morning tea, a two course lunch and afternoon tea.
Transport - Bathurst Seymour Centre offers a pick-up and drop-off service to clients attending the Centre for the purpose of Social Support Group, Centre Based Respite and Flexible Respite. This service is offered where transport would otherwise be a barrier to attendance.
How to apply?

Reach out to
My Aged Care
Go online to www.myagedcare.gov.au or call 1800 200 422 to find out about the aged care services available.
You will be asked a range of questions to learn about your care needs.
A referral or call can be made by a doctor, a friend, or a family member if you are not able to do this yourself.
Receive services
Your assessor will refer you to a provider of your choice to receive one of the following services:
Commonwealth Home Support Program - which is where we fit in at Bathurst Seymour Centre.
Home Care Package.
Residential Care.
If you get stuck at any point, please don't hesitate to get in touch via email, or by calling
(02) 6332 1449.
Everyone deserves the opportunity to stay in their home for as long as possible. We live this through our values:
Integrity - Growth - Respect - Empowerment - and Community